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Hello! I am Tim Wessel

Diary Plan B

„Plan B“ is the title of my

bike tour through Germany

and there is some more

meaning behind this


Plan B

The tour will get me from

Bad Bellingen-Bamlach

through Bühl, Bruchsal,

Bulau (Rödermark), Bad


Berka/Werra, Büßleben

(Erfurt), Bitterfeld,

Beelitz, Berlin, Brieselang,

Bad Wilsnack, Bleckede,

Bergedorf (Hamburg),

Bovenau until the last stop

Böxlund. Böxlund is a small

village at the Danish border.

The rough tour details can be

found on komoot


Tour de Tim 2022 – Plan B

The tour is ca. 1‘500 km and

I will ride that within 16 days

(one day break included).

Tent, sleeping bag, mat,

laptop, Insulin pump, CGM

(Continuous Glucose

Monitoring) – system as well

as diabetes care (type 1) will

be on tour again and (like last

year) my horse will be my

mountain bike (without E).

I already received

confirmation that for specific

parts of the tour there will be

some company. This will be

documented here as well, so

stay tuned.

Start will be 27th July 2022

in Bamlach, goal will be on

11th August 2022 Böxlund.

In the next two weeks I will

have the pleasure to drive

with my bike through

Germany. I want to share

some of the impressions with

you (see logbook below) and

want to encourage you to

share with people who really

need it, in the same way as

they could not join me for the

ride – given their disability.

I am donating for every

driven kilometer a certain

amount of money to „Verein

Samuel Koch und Freunde


Join me on that journey,

enjoy the impressions and

donate a little bit as well.


The other meaning behind

„Plan B“ is, that this tour will

be associated to a donation

activity for „Samuel Koch &

friends“, which is an

association, caring about

disabled persons and their


Samuel Koch & Freunde e.V.

donation by bank transfer:

Samuel Koch und Freunde e.V.

IBAN DE49 6835 1865 0108 6064 27


reference: „Plan B“

donation by credit card:


single donation

monthly (repeated) donation

annual donation

chose the amount


or indicate your own one:

We appreciate your

donation very much!

We appreciate your

donation very much!

We appreciate your

donation very much!


donation by PayPal:

donation with your bank app:

scan this QR code with your

banking app

Samuel Koch

(picture from Christoph Oetzmann)

Samuel Koch had an accident

in 2010 at Europe’s biggest

TV-show „Wetten, dass…?“,

where he broke his neck four

times. Since then he is

running plan B in a similar

way as the ca. 80 disabled

persons and their relatives,

who are currently living in

our refugee camp in the

village Bamlach, where I am


There will be some postings

of the personal stories from

some of the refugees on this

site over time and during the

tour in order to show who

are the ones receiving the

donations at the very end.



„My high esteem and sincere respect for this plan“

Diana Stöcker – Member of the German Parliament

„… much success, low muscle soreness!“

Dr. Christoph Hoffmann -Member of the German Parliament

„… that’s a nice story which you are planning – and most likely will execute!“

Mathias Müller -Chief-editor BikeBild

„What a wonderful B tour in B places… enjoy the tour along with raising funds for an important purpose”

Prof. Dr. Aaron Ciechanover -Nobelpreis Chemie 2004

picture galery / logbook

Some pictures and impressions will be posted on

this site during the tour (like last year) in order

to let you participate a little bit and share with

you these impressions, in case you cannot / do

not want to join.

Maybe that can also initiate for you to consider a

new way of getting from A to B.

Klick on the map below to get to the diary!

Old pictures from my 2021

tour coming soon.

Tour de Tim 2021
Tour de Tim 2021 – pictures
German version

home * * * Samuel Koch und Freunde e.V.

* * * German version * * * impressum